Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dilly jam 2024. Team dilly can smoke?

 Nothing but saving some pictures in this time capsule of a blog. Hope someone might see it. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Clear as hell, a stark moment.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dilly Jam happened recently

An hour before catching the light rail to the jam, Caleb and I were eating breakfast outside at the Seward Cafe. Fingers freezing, Caleb sought out some hand coverings and overcame with the power of free-box socks.
His mission is to get close to you and have you sign something. Whether it is his jacket, stick, or piece of cardboard, he wants you to sign it. I don't know who he is or what his goals are with the signed goods, but at least he's doing something cool. We ran into him before getting to the jam, so I properly rewarded this noble swain with some real street credibility.

These guys definitively without question, clear as crystal, enjoying a good time.

The rail was talking shit, Reed was the only one who could shut him up. I'm really not sure what he's doing here but he may just be 3ing out of the spine to grinding that rail. Possible smith? Or maybe he's grinding up the rail and into the spine? I guess you had to be there.

 What many people don't know about Lee is that he is truly passionate about trains. Conducting in his spare time, Lee chugga-chugga choo-choo's up and across this treacherous railway, while a young unknown derails in the foreground.

 I know this isn't the best photo of Seth casting the bars timing wise, but you've seen those a dozen times. Why don't you try something new? Demonstrating the proper pop that goes along with the task, Seth Stretch Armstronging for a high-5.
Deljon Willis has a moment of clarity while Jesse Jarvie and Mike Gelle take a break from riding to get some time in on their new yo-yo's.

So there you have it, that was everything that happened at this most recent Dilly Jam. See you next year!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

erik elstran, reed stark, and an incredibly late post.

so i am now realizing that despite the fact that this is the team dilly website, it was never officially announced on here that the latest team dilly video entitled "TEAM DILLY IS THE MAN" has been available for quite some time. it is available online for $9.99 at Empire BMX, available locally in Minnesota at Penn Cycle & Fitness, and through US shops via Full Factory Distribution and UK shops via Snap Distribution.

got a couple of videos to show as well. elstran's section from td is the man which is now at a whopping 175,000 views here:

Erik Elstran in Team Dilly is the Man from Kyle Stark on Vimeo.

and reed stark's latest sun ringle web edit here:

Reed Stark for Sun Ringle from Sunringlebmx on Vimeo.

enjoy! elstran now has the capability to post here, so hopefully that will rally the troops to keep this updated. until next time...

Monday, January 14, 2013

When Kyle asks you to film a clip you have to understand he wasn't asking you a question. That afternoon Seth came up one clip short and decided he wouldn't mind a bag of black eyed soup.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Rare photographic evidence of two Dillys teamed up in an attempt to take down a flying Skworl.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Saturday Afternoon Fantasy Factory Sesh

Posting this is proof that BMX is always at least one year behind skateboarding and maybe half as self-aware BUT I think it's worth posting. Copy-paste your favorite Bluff Valley/Fantasy Factory grom and "Haro/Preminum/Cult tape" into this.